Marjorie maddox & Karen Elias


Still Life of Milkweed or Bird

After the photograph "Flight" by Karen Elias

Inside, once
you were a wisp
of flight,

seeds weathered
to air, a delicately
tied fly flung

across currents
of stream
far above

the rippling
dreams of trout.
Or maybe

a dragonfly escaped
from a web,

silk exploding
into freedom
long before

the now of all
you gave away
to become

this empty
and brittle surprise
of beauty,

brown husk of a wing
tipped up, speckled
bird reminder

of chirp, of everything
still willing
to soar.

“Flight” by Karen Elias


LHU English professor, Marjorie Maddox has published 14 poetry collections, including Begin with a Question and ekphrastic collections Heart Speaks, Is Spoken For (with Karen Elias) and In the Museum of My Daughter’s Mind (with Anna Lee Hafer), as well as the story collection What She Was Saying, and four children’s books.

After teaching college English for 40 years, Dr. Karen Elias is now an artist/activist, using photography to record the fragility of the natural world and raise awareness about climate change. Her work is in private collections, has been exhibited in several galleries, and has won numerous awards.