Christine Jones


Our Daily Swim

give us this day, this morning’s quarter moon

as it appears under the bridge

a sketch in chalk


by my one-eyed view

between breaths


& below the cold veil

razor clams,

soft & little necks

too, a whelk

& a wonder of scallops

alive swept

from the grasses

(we hover, collect, tuck them

in our swim caps for supper)


unevenly still the bay

we glide & pull trespass

past the cormorant’s rock

its resident, wing-wide praising the sun


its black matte heart


Christine Jones lives in Orleans, MA and is the author of Now Calls Me Daughter (Nixes Mate Review) and Girl Without a Shirt (Finishing Line Press), also co-editor of the anthology, Voices Amidst the Virus: Poets Respond to the Pandemic (Lily Poetry Review Books). She is the associate editor of Lily Poetry Review.