Cooling Trend

I woke
and all the seasons
had been rearranged

Fall was before summer
– large orange leaves could be found
clogging the opening to the vernal equinox

July started to crack
like frozen pipes
March found itself
praying to the global warming gods
begging for permission

Spring came after Summer
and the humidity
found its way into every month
until the earth sweltered
beneath the self-made
ozone blanket

I forced myself back to sleep
and when I woke again
I saw the same ravens
traveling in the same patterns
from decades ago

I sit quietly now
on the ledge of solstice
and wonder how to mark a tree
so I can be found

Connie Post served as the first Poet Laureate of Livermore, California. Her work has appeared in Calyx, Comstock Review, Cold Mountain Review, Slipstream, Spillway, River Styx, Spoon River Poetry Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review, and Verse Daily. Her first full-length book Floodwater (Glass Lyre Press) won the 2014 Lyrebird Award, and her chapbook And When the Sun Drops won the 2012 Aurorean Editor’s chapbook prize. Connie’s poetry awards include the 2018 Liakoura Award, the Caesura Award, and the 2016 Crab Creek Poetry Award.