Taking the Back Way, Early Evening

Here by this roadside so many beasts have given up
flesh in favor of bone / the creature I swear I saw
seemed at first dead & then became alive / became its

walking, I thought at first coyote but when its motion
took it over asphalt & in front of my car it gleamed
orange, it lifted its legs in the kind of unity human

beings sometimes call time & then I saw it was a fox
& the fox didn’t see me or the car I had stopped or
anything other than the greened other side it had to

reach & its head angled my way because we both
heard a voice from nowhere / it was my voice & I
was saying oh my God a fox. & so I sat still in my

stillness & for a moment I was not I until I began
to move again, over the asphalt & up the hill &
through the minutes that took me closer to whatever

burnished beast I may or may not be after my body
has ceased to be mine / to be a beast that moves.


Emma Bolden is the author of House Is an Enigma (Southeast Missouri State University Press), medi(t)ations (Noctuary Press), and Maleficae (GenPop Books). The recipient of an NEA Fellowship, her work has appeared in such journals as the Mississippi Review, The Rumpus, StoryQuarterly, Prairie Schooner, New Madrid, TriQuarterly, Shenandoah, and the Greensboro Review. She currently serves as Associate Editor-in-Chief for Tupelo Quarterly.