sheryl white
Winter Heart
I know white, its depths
sounded, its cups of husk
and seed where sparrows slip
down, lost but for a ruddy head
feather, a wisp slicked
to the bone. I know the cold
screams of jays, in pairs, in threes,
in gray air that echoes all the way
to night, a night iced black
and gloss. I know the window
on my side of the stars, the silent
chill of cheek braced to glass,
of eye open to the obvious
lie of gilded snow.
I know time, the muscle
of winter, its sinuous wind,
or its quiet, tender pull
on a last beaten leaf,
the damp breath
as it lets go.
Sheryl White is an artist and writer living in Boston. Her writing has been published in Ibbetson Street Press, Blast Furnace, Solstice Literary Journal, Poetry Quarterly, and The Boston Globe, and Halfway Down The Stairs. In 2016, she received a Massachusetts Cultural Council Poetry Finalist Grant and Mayor of Boston Poetry Program award.