Score for the Body as Fire Season

Call me tender envelope | little tinder | rational animal | running for the shore | Wildfires

make their own weather | dry thunder | soot snow | We shelter in a crowded burrow |

under an orange noon sky | Airlift us with Icarus wings | Calculate the weight | of drought

dust | star grit | measure loss as freight | Late now to perform the prescribed burn | or tamp

down the embers | choiring fires | ash the place | Cue the exit music | we must flee from

home | going going | long gone with the windblown toxins | saplings black to the root


Willa Carroll is the author of Nerve Chorus. Her poems have appeared in AGNI, The Slowdown, Tin House, and elsewhere. She won Narrative Magazine’s Third Annual Poetry Contest and Tupelo Quarterly’s TQ7 Poetry Prize. In 2021, she was awarded Best Poetry Film at the International Migration and Environmental Film Festival.